Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wearing my clothes – Day #53

Day 53

NOT the greatest picture, but was the only spare moment I had to try and capture a glimpse of my outfit for the day. As you can see, I was the person BEHIND the camera today. My mom had a superbly fun Easter Egg hunt at her church this morning and asked if I’d take pictures of the families. I’m in no way “professional”, but I love taking pictures, so I obliged. It was FREEZING!!

The reason I flew down to LA is because one of my best friend’s moms recently passed of cancer, and her funeral is today. Bittersweet really. Death is never pleasant. With that said, this lady was an amazing soul, one who loved Jesus through and through. Her funeral was as much as it can be, a celebration of her life and her reunion with Jesus in heaven. A fun aspect of the funeral was that each person was to wear something ORANGE.

It was her favorite color, and made the room look gorgeous! Seeing as I had flown down and didn’t have orange in my suitcase, I ran out to Kohl’s and bought this scarf, the bracelets, and some really cute earrings you can’t see. Oh..and I nabbed this coat – only paid $25!! Can you believe it?! I know I said I wasn’t going to buy anything new, but this has been something on my “I need” list, and I couldn’t pass up that price combined with this fit! Wow! Good thing, too! Otherwise, I would’ve frozen my batooski off!

So…the outfit:

Kohl’s – scarf, jacket, bracelets, earrings

The Limited – strapless black dress (as if you could tell under all that, huh?)

DSW – shoes

I also had the privilege of taking pictures at the funeral. What a fun perspective to be the one behind the camera. I was able to observe such amazing emotions over an amazing woman.

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